Deploy your Django project this afternoon.

  • Save days with fast, easy deployments to
  • Deploy with git push via Github Actions.
  • Create your accounts, tweak the settings, and deploy. No more headaches.
  • Finally finish that side project.
Django +

Pony receiving a package

1. Buy the boilerplate.

Upon purchase you'll have instant access to the whole package, and an exclusive license to use it for as many sites as you need.

A magical pony programming her Django website

2. Add your code & deploy.

You get a vanilla Django project, managed by Poetry, hooked up to a complete Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment workflow. Register for, set a few variables, and away you go! Extensive documentation walks you through everything.

The Django pony showing off her website to her friends

3. Launch and iterate.

Continuous deployment and smart test coverage means you can iterate quickly and with confidence. Your customers will be amazed at how quickly you can respond to feature requests!

Make this side project your best work yet.

“In the zone.”

The TURTLE-BASED starter kit for Python/Django devs doesn't just simplify and accelerate your workflow, it enables you to focus more on coding, and less on configuration.

“No problem at all.”

It's not just the first production deploy that makes a difference—it's every deploy that follows. See a bug in production? Fix it, commit, and push to Github. Your fix is deployed in minutes, safely and securely. Maximize your productivity, minimize your frustration.

“That’s how it’s done.”

When you deploy your projects effortlessly, everything gets easier, and people take notice. Your colleagues will be impressed at how much you get done at your next hackathon!

This time, you finish.

You want to be a successful Python SaaS entrepreneur. Maybe even a serial entrepreneur.

So does James. He's got this great idea for a SaaS, but he has a problem. He works 9–5 at the day job, and he has a family to support.

James in front of his computer

If James wants to be a successful SaaS entrepreneur, he's going to have to burn that candle at both ends to get his first product finished.

So James does that. He stays up late after his kids go to bed. He's the first one up in the morning. He puts in the hours. He uses his favorite language, Python, and his favorite web framework, Django.

And what does James spend his time doing?

James currently relies on a mix of open-source tools and custom scripts for deploying his Django projects. He’s pieced it all together over the years, and it works. Kinda.

But the inherent complexity of this DIY approach means that even a seasoned developer like James spends hours troubleshooting deployment issues instead of coding.

It has its advantages, though. Namely, flexibility. James can customize his setup to fit specific project needs. And it’s free.

Well, free as in dollars. Free time, not so much.

James, programming late at night

James is continually troubleshooting his deploys. He’s always learning, but some days he just wants to finish something. He has a long trail of half-finished side projects sitting on his hard drive and a pile of registered domains for products that never saw the light of day. Literally months and years of wasted effort.

As he spends more and more time troubleshooting deployments, James gets tired and cross. He's not fun to be around any more. His wife is worried about him.

After a few months of this, with little progress to show, James gives up. He never got to the fun parts: the actual product code.

He never got to 1.0.

Poor James. What he really needed was a simple CI/CD solution.

Do you ever feel like James? You want to build your Django SaaS, but there's too much boring stuff to do, not enough time to do it in, and the ugly monster of deployment menacing you just ahead. You can only stay in crunch mode for so long!

How many started-and-abandoned projects litter your hard drive?

I can't tell you how many times this has happened to me. And I won't tell you how many abandoned projects I have under my belt. (I'm afraid to count.)

Frankly, it's a crying shame that so many budding entrepreneurs burn out and give up for good. How many great products have been shipwrecked on the boring grunt-work?

That's why I built the TURTLE-BASED CI/CD framework. I wanted to build awesome side projects in Django, and I didn’t want to spend all my free time trying to deploy the darn things.

I've been prototyping this system over the past year and-a-half. I've deployed commercial sites with it.

I can't tell you how freeing it is to have deployments just work.

So. You want to break away from the 9–5.

You don't want to keep reinventing the same wheels over and over.

What do you do?

  1. First, buy the kit. There's no risk to you, because I offer an ironclad, 15 day money-back guarantee.
  2. Next, add your code and deploy. Or just deploy! The initial setup only takes a few minutes. After that, deploy early, deploy often.
    1. makes setting up your site in production a snap. Seriously, when was the last time that was ever easy? It is now.
    2. Full test coverage using pytest and continuous deployment through Github Actions makes it safe, reliable, and fast.
    3. Comprehensive documentation will guide you each step of the way. No more googling every last thing.
  3. Finally, get your site in front of your customers. The sooner, the better. You could have your demo Django site up at a dev domain in ten minutes.

Stop wasting time.

Stop flailing.

This time, you finish.

James and his friends, the turtle and the Django pony



Yes, that's the demo Django site, served up with an https certificate. Took me ten minutes.

What the package includes:

  1. Fully-configured Django starter project, with everything ready for a reliable, secure production deployment.
  2. Fully-configured fly.toml for deploying a Django site to the fabulous platform, where complex deployments become easy.
  3. Fully-configured Github Actions for Continuous Integration & Deployment (CI/CD). git push and your tests run. If they pass, it deploys to production.

How many hours will this save you? 12? 20? More?

What's your hourly rate, again?

The average hourly wage for a Junior Software Engineer in the United States is $39 as of July 29, 2024

This starter kit is easily worth $468 for the time it'll save you.

But right now, you can get your next side project up into production in minutes...

For only $97.

$97? That's a steal.

Not sure yet? How about an iron-clad 15-day money-back guarantee.

You have no reason not to try this.

David Eyk (rhymes with "like")

Hey, it's David! 👋

I'm the creator of TURTLE-BASED. I'm glad you're here.

Do you have lots of startup ideas?

Let me guess: it always follows the same pattern:

  1. First, you get excited and set up a new Django site.
  2. Next, you get bogged down on piddly details. Usually deployment. Ugh.
  3. Finally, after the initial excitement wears off, you lose momentum, lose interest, and eventually quit.

Any of this sounding familiar? Maybe you're like me, doing this indie hacker thing as a side-hustle. Your time is limited, and you want to focus on the interesting parts of the product, not the boring plumbing.

Yeah, me too.

So I did something about it. I have a decade and a half of experience in developing high-performance web applications in Python.

I've built a 300k MAU Django website from the ground up, along with hundreds of smaller projects.

I'm putting all those years of hard-earned lessons to work for you.

With the TURTLE-BASED CI/CD framework, now you can:

  • Save time. Focus on the important part: your new side project.
  • 💊 Avoid headaches. The fiddly bits are taken care of. Just build your product.
  • 🚀 Launch faster. The faster you can launch, the faster you'll get your product in front of customers.

Sound too good to be true? Want to see a demo? Look around. Guess what this site is built with? Yeah.

The Django pony prancing atop a pyramid of turtles.

The Django pony prancing atop a pyramid of turtles